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Year: 1985;
Ratings: 8,6 of 10;
Elem Klimov;
Olga Mironova;
Country: Soviet Union.
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Elem Klimov's "Come and See" is possibly the most moving film I have ever seen. As a war movie, it is unique in its genre in my opinion. It engages the audience with all five senses in its nightmarish reality. The war came to life right in front of my eyes. When the first bombs erupted around Florya and Glasha, the use of sound made me feel like I was right there. I smelled the rotting bodies when Florya came back to his hometown and all he saw was flies and bowls of soup. I felt the slimy grip of the marshes when he dragged Glasha through them as he fought the idea that his entire family was dead. During the most harrowing and excruciatingly miserable part of the movie, when the Russian village was burned to the ground with the people inside, I felt the fear and pain and panicked helplessness. I wanted to cry out, to scream, to run. In the burning farmhouse, I wanted to claw my way out. I felt the terrifying responsibility of having to decide whether to take the chance to jump out the window or risk staying inside. My throat was dry, my body went from hot to cold to hot again. I shivered and I felt the burn of heat. While the disconcerting use of close-ups made it almost painfully intimate, the movie was all the more haunting because Florya was only one of thousands experiencing the same and worse. By the time Florya was shooting the picture of Hitler and using his gun for the first time, I felt battered and burned, exhausted and deeply disturbed, but also oddly satisfied. Though shooting Hitler's picture was just a symbol, it really made me think. What if Hitler had been killed as a baby? Would that be wrong? It made the film feel more well-rounded. I felt like I'd lived an entire lifetime in the space of a few hours. It was a truly remarkable film. I've never seen anything like it, and I don't think I ever will again.
"Come and See" has to be one of the most powerful war movies ever left me emotionally film tells the story of 12-year-old Florya(Alexi Kravchenko) whose desire is to join his countrymen in the battle against the enthusiasm is written all over his face:in the opening scenes,which show Florya's recruitment by partisan soldiers,he wears the blissed-out smile of a hopeful a bombardment,which leaves him temporarily deaf,he is left behind and stumbles across Glasha(Olga Mironova) who has also been gether they return to his village, the atrocities witnessed there anticipating horrors to come."Come and See" is a deeply unsettling 's hallucinatory,hellish,traumatizing and 's an aura of profound sadness here,as Florya ages dramatically over the course of the story's film's most disturbing sequence revolves around the raising of one village and the slaughter of most of its acting is excellent,the cinematography is stunning and the use of Mozart on the soundtrack is particularly effective.10 out of 10.A must-see.
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Can I turn off subtitles. All Quiet on The Western Front? They Shall Never Grow Old? Shindler's List. Lol... my friend and i got into a fistfight this night. ur ending made me think of that... Saving Private Ryan is a personal favorite. Many of these films I have never seen however, Das Boot belongs on anyone's top ten list though. A documentary is not a movie, it documents, there is a difference. Elem Klimov Idi I smotri. I never knew that officer was supposed to be Dirlewanger. My uncle served in the Vietnam war, his platoon was patrolling and he stepped on a mine, luckily he survived but he lost his leg. Regie: Elem Klimov | 142 minuten | drama, oorlog | Acteurs: Aleksey Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, Liubomiras Laucevicius, Vladas Bagdonas, Jüri Lumiste, Viktor Lorents, Kazimir Rabetsky, Evgeniy Tilicheev, Aleksandr Berda, G. Velts, V. Vasilyev, Igor Gnevashev, Vasily Domrachyov, G. Yelkin, Evgeniy Kryzhanovskiy, N. Lisichenok, Viktor Manaev Het visueel uiterst krachtige ‘Kom en zie’ (‘Come and See’ of ‘Idi i smotri’) is een weinig verheffende ervaring voor de kamergeleerden die wij allen zijn op het gebied van oorlogservaringen. ‘Kom en zie’ brengt ons vanaf ooghoogte zintuiglijk in contact met de ontberingen van Wit-Russen in WOII. Honger, koude en kreupelhout, een moeder die haar zoon (Aleksey Kravchenko) een bijl geeft om het gezin uit het lijden te verlossen, SS’ers die een schuur vol mensen in brand steken, dat werk. Niet dat ‘Kom en zie’ geen sterke dramatische premisse heeft: de tiener Florya (het jongetje met de bijl), gaat in het verzet, om man te worden en omdat hij een man is. Een jonge man die spontaan in huilen uitbarst na een ontmoeting met een leeftijdgenote (Olga Mironova), huilen dat automatisch overgaat in lachen omdat dat vaak de enige optie is in het leven. Levenskracht is tenslotte iets dat wreedheid moeilijk kan breken – al is er genoeg bewijs van het tegendeel. Meisjes willen gezien worden, en mannen willen vechten – ook in oorlogstijd. Impressionistische schetsen zijn het, van een grimmige situatie die niet hoeft te worden uitgelegd. Basale emoties die geen culturele barrières in zich huldigen. Ronkende vliegtuigen op de achtergrond als dagelijkse realiteit, het neerkomen van bommen in het bos. Piepende oren. Een ooievaar die zijn nest is verloren. Een verlossende regenbui. Dansen op de vulkaan. Een neergeschoten koe. Gekte. Dramatische middelen zijn er zeker: het gekras van kraaien en een welhaast middeleeuws grof decor, maar overdreven wordt er niet in ‘Kom en zie’ – een verhevigde documentaire kijkdoos. Alsof er in het Wit-Rusland van de Koude Oorlog een kloosterlijke hogeschool was voor filmen, zo oogt deze langspeler uit 1985 – voor herintroductie gerestaureerd. Vakmanschap kon door de propagandistische Sovjets niet worden gebroken, toont Elem Klimov. Oorlog is horror, is de boodschap. Jan-Kees Verschuure Waardering: 4 Bioscooprelease: 3 augustus 1990 Bioscooprelease: 18 oktober 2018 (gerestaureerde versie) VOD-release: 17 september 2019 DVD- en blu-ray-release: 24 september 2019.
YouTube. How did Hotel Rhuwanda and Last King of Scotland miss this list. I remember watching the mini series first. My father had given me the book to read as well. When the movie came out I was excited because it was just as great as the series. Buchheim didn't think that some of the anti war/Hitler regime attitude was as prevalent as in his book but I think it still was present enough. One of the best submarine movies ever and it keeps you in it's grip the entire time. It also shows the how these guys lived in those swimming coffins, the cruel reality of this insane war, and how Hitler had begun to abandon not only the U-boats but eventually his Kriegsmarine.
Idi i smotri elem klimov 1985.
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